What To Plant
What sort of tree should I plant
Here is a list of trees and shrubs native to Penwith:
Gorse Ulex europaeus
Blackthorn Prunus spinosa
Rowan Sorbus aucuparia
Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna
Wild roses Rosa species – wild rose species are hard to tell apart and prone to hybridise, and all generally rare in West Penwith; the most frequently recorded in the area (albeit sparsely) are Field-rose Rosa arvensis and Dog-rose Rosa canina, whilst there is a single coastal record of Sherard’s Downy-rose Rosa sherardii and a very few coastal records of the Burnet Rose Rose spinosissima (a specialist of lime-rich soils, as can occur where shell sand is blown.
Elms Ulmus species – note that elms have a complex and much disputed taxonomy – however there is no doubt that the Cornwall is a centre of elm diversity, with a number of native species (or subspecies or varieties, depending on the taxonomic position taken), as well as more widely distributed species such as the (Southern) Wych Elm Ulmus glabra – to maintain local genetic diversity and local distinctiveness, it is important that any elm planting from West Penwith is from local stock, as can be produced using cuttings or transplanting suckers.
Sessile Oak Quercus petraea – few records in West Penwith; most common on the slates in mid-Cornwall
Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur – commonest oak in Cornwall; more widely distributed in West Penwith than Sessile Oak but still quite local.
Alder Alnus glutinosa – found as a native along rivers and streams and in other wet woodland
Hazel Corylus avellane
Eared Willow Salix aurita – small willow typical of moorland areas, being found particularly on granite uplands as occur in West Penwith
Grey Willow Salix cinerea – abundant
Ash Fraxinus excelsior
Wild Privet Ligustrum vulgare – rare in West Penwith, in contrast to non-granite areas in other parts of Cornwall
Holly Ilex aquifolium – scarce in West Penwith
Elder Sambucus nigra
What sort of tree is good for feeding wildlife
Crab Apple
Wild cherry
Plum - Bulace
Plum - Kea
Sweet Chestnut
Cob Hazel
Filbert Hazel
Sea Buckthorn
Dog Rose (Rosa Canina)
Sweet briar (Rosa Rubiginosa)
Also I suggest mixing in plenty of Alder - because they work with bacteria to fix nitrogen so ecosystem self fertilises
(Combinations of native trees also create the conditions for fungal networks in the soil that also fix nitrogen as well as carbon)
Trees take carbon out of the air in three interrelated ways - by making the living tree, by associated animal life enriching the soil and by associated fungi.